Anything that Moves

Strangers in the cold, maneuvering the night and its labyrinth of nostalgia traps,

the holy ground of memory,

I remember, I remember when everything was so


I was somebody else’s ghost, crybaby angel of death, corner booth of the donut shop two

minutes past the clock tick of the witching hour, I’m feeling the heat,

Electricity jumps from neon sign to stainless steel countertop to the back of my throat and I

swallow premonition

after premonition,

until my hands tightrope walk over blacktop abyss of their own volition and the


just drops out,

I’m spiraling again / getting fucked up on the collapse trip /

I’m afraid to desperation / and I don’t have the drugs to sort it out /

I don’t know how to tell you what is wrong /  I can’t even explain it in my dreams.

and sleep hangs heavy like the shadow of the operating table / my caged faggot blood sings of

sparks and needles & / you’ve got the softest hands / I’ve ever held / but I’ve got this entire

lineage of disappearing and I know / I just know I have to run

I have to run & keep running & only my body remembers why

Tyler King

Tyler King is a nonbinary poet from Dayton, Ohio. They are the editor of Flail House Press and their work has appeared in Sonder Midwest, Ghost Heart Literary Magazine, Indolent Books, and other places.


Echolocation and Negroni


God I need your face in mine