Poetry and Prose
Echolocation and Negroni

Anything that Moves
A poem by Tyler King

God I need your face in mine
A poem by Richard Prins

i saw a whorl of crows descending here & took these notes
A poem by Ayokunle Betiku Samuel

I confess my sins
A poem by Rachael Gay

Triptych of the Insomniac’s 3-chambered heart
A poem by Satya Dash

Endecasyllabics: About the Women (Ruthie) & (Meredith, Melody)
Two poems by Carolyne Wright

To Ease
Flash fiction by Louis Elliott

I can only be a good (noun) if I’m (choice of inebriation)
A poem by Lucas Scheelk

I Learned Tragedy Before Much Else & Dear Lord
Two poems by Despy Boutris

Chicken House
Flash fiction by Rory Say

A series of hybrid visual-poetic works by Mark Laliberte

The Third Mirror
A poem by Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto

A poem by Miriam Gauntlett

Come Look into my Kinetoscope & Nothing, Nothing Will Keep Us Together
Two poems by Nicholas Bon

Complete Indifference About the Body and Having One & I Know My History
Two poems by Claire Sosienski Smith

Sometimes I sit in the backyard to forget & Suddenly I'm worried for a brother I've never met
Two poems by Devaki Devay

Inside this Shadow & I am Not a Breadbox
Two poems by Aya Satoh

tony hawk 4
A poem by Alex Rake

Poem beginning with a crash and ending with a declaration
A poem by Josh Daniel